1 serving

Ingredients: 75 grams (frozen) cherries (or fresh, pitted), 1 small beetroot (40 grams, raw and peeled), ½ teaspoon vanilla, 250 ml coconut rice milk and 3 tablespoons chia seeds.

Topping: 1 apricot, coconut shavings and some hemp seeds.

Step 1

Place the cherries, beetroot, vanilla and coconut rice milk in a blender. Turn on and ensure a smooth smoothie.

Step 2

Would you like it a little sweeter? Then add 1-2 dates or some agave-maple syrup (or whatever you like and have available).

Step 3

Pour your smoothie into a boho tiffin bowl and stir in the chia seeds. Let it stand for 10 minutes and then stir well again.

Step 4

Now place your bowl in the refrigerator and let it set overnight. It will have the structure of a thick pudding.

Step 5

Finish your chia pudding with, for example, 1 apricot, some coconut shavings and hemp seeds.