Privacy declaration

Your privacy is of great importance to Boho-Tiffin. We therefore adhere to the privacy law. This means that your data is safe with us and that we always use it properly. In this privacy statement we explain what we do at the Boho-Tiffin online store with information we learn about you.

If you have any questions, or would like to know exactly what data we keep about you, please contact Boho-Tiffin.

Processing order
When you place an order with us, we use your personal data to process it properly. We may then provide your personal data to our delivery service to have the order delivered to you. We also receive information about your payment from your bank or credit card company.
For this we use your payment details, name and address details, gender, IP address, e-mail address, telephone number and billing address. We are legally obliged to do this. We store this information until your order has been completed and seven years thereafter (this is the legal retention obligation).

Access portal
Our portal gives you access to a management environment where you can set, specify and change things for the online store yourself. We keep track of what you have done and when, so that there is proof of this.
For this we use your name and address details, payment details, billing address, IP address, telephone number, e-mail address and gender. We are legally obliged to do this. We keep this information for six months after the end of the service to you.

Statistics and profiling
We keep statistics about the use of our online store. We use these statistics to improve our online store, for example to only show relevant information. We may combine your personal data to learn more about you. Of course we will respect your privacy at all times. If you do not want this, you can always report this to us.

For this we use your e-mail address, IP address, name and address details, date of birth and gender. We do this on the basis of your permission. We store this information for one year.

Contact form and Newsletter
You can ask us questions or make requests using the contact form.
We use your email address, IP address and name and address details for this. We do this on the basis of your permission. We keep this information until we are sure that you are satisfied with our response.
You can subscribe to our newsletter. Here you can read news, tips and information about our products and services. You can cancel this subscription at any time. Every newsletter contains an unsubscribe link. You can also report this via your account. You can also report this via the portal.
Your email address will only be added to the list of subscribers with your permission. This data will be retained until you cancel the subscription.

Your account
You must first register for certain parts of our online store. You will then have to provide information about yourself and choose a username. We will then create an account into which you can log in with that username and a password of your choice.
For this we use your name and address details, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address, date of birth, billing address, payment details and gender. We are legally obliged to do this. We keep this information for six months after you close the account.

We store this information so that you do not have to enter it again and again and so that we can contact you more easily if necessary at the online store. You can change information via your account whenever you want.

We would like to send you advertisements about offers and new products or services. This is what we do:
• by email
• via social media

You can object to this advertising at any time. Each email contains an unsubscribe link. You can block us or use the unsubscribe option. You can also report this via your account. You can also report this via the portal.

Location data
Sometimes it is necessary for our online store Boho-Tiffin to find out where you are. We will then ask separately if we can know this and only if you give permission will we receive this information.
We use the navigation and location software on your phone, tablet or computer for this service. We have no control over what the makers of this software (such as Google Maps) do with it. So always read their privacy statements.

Our online store shows advertisements. We see whether people like it and use that information to only make fun or interesting advertisements and offers in the future. Provision to other companies or institutions
With the exception of the partners mentioned above, we do not provide your personal data to other companies or institutions under any circumstances, unless we are legally obliged to do so (for example if the police require this in the event of a suspicion of a crime).

Social media buttons are included in our online store. The administrators of these services collect your personal data.

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our online store. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google. This contains strict agreements about what they are allowed to keep. We allow Google to use the obtained Analytics information for other Google services. We do not let Google anonymize the IP addresses.

Security of personal data is of great importance to us. We ensure that your data is well secured with us. We continually adjust security and pay close attention to what could go wrong.

Changes to this privacy statement
When our online store changes, we must of course also adjust the privacy statement. So always pay attention to the date above and check regularly for new versions. We will do our best to announce changes separately.
View, change and delete your data
If you have any questions or would like to know what personal data we have about you, you can always contact us. See contact details below.

You have the following rights:
• receive an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it, access to the precise personal data we have
• having errors corrected
• having outdated personal data removed
• withdrawal of consent
• object to a certain use

Please note that you always clearly indicate who you are, so that we can be sure that we do not change or delete data from the wrong person.

To file a complaint
If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. This is called the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Contact details
Boho Tiffin
De Hovenier 32
5506 GL Veldhoven
(no visiting address)
T: 06-45219505